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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Where Love Is,

Singapore Lyric Opera Children's Choir.
I am one of the member in it, I am one of the "children" , but in the senior choir area alright.
Where Love Is , is a performance this coming Saturday at Esplanade Concert Hall.
I believe that the children that had stayed in this choir for many years have experienced many major concert halls' performances. As for a school choir, is hard to get to esplanade concert hall standard unless I am from a famous conductors' choir. (Higher standard , more stress ) .

This will be my last performance with SLOCC. I do not know whether should I continue, firstly I am a SLOCC's scholar (everything is basically free for now), so if I want to continue, I have to pay money for it. Secondly, I am having an important year, no time for all these.

Okay, Let's talk about this concert.
Normally December's concert are mostly about Christmas.
Where Love Is, Is a Christmas concert that showcase a number of choral pieces in a wide range of styles, from traditional folk-songs composed in the early 1900s, to pieces written only last year.
My favourite conductor in SLOCC - Adrain Poon said that each piece was carefully chosen to bring across a specific message to both the children and the audience about Christmas.
He said this too "“We want to emphasise that Christmas is not just about gifts and food, and more than the material things in life. The season is really about being good people, and being nice to everyone every day of the year. Each song has a message: tolerance, responsibility, and the wisdom to know what the right thing to do is,”

The performance will have many songs sung by the children choir.
Some pieces I really look forward to are "Shinjiru" , "The Christmas Song", "The Call of Wisdom", "Peace between Nations", "Snowy woods" .
I cant memorise Shinjiru as if you heard before , the score is so thick, I might cry.

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Thank you for reading, see you next time.