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Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 2 of Jan Photo Challenge

Day 2 : 
Day 2  - What I wore 
I literally wore this for the whole entire day,
Thanks to Amelia for accompany me for the whole entire day too and my bro too. I like the things on my body now, such as my manicure and pedicure, my watch on my hand. (Classic hehh) 
It was not such a good quality cause I was using my bro's phone to selfie and stuffs. Using mine was too mainstream. 
This could be a motivation for me to look better than this the next time I do this challenge. 

As for Day 3 of the Jan Challenge. I was unable to take photo of the clouds on that day due to my slack-ness on that day. So I will skip that day. & I will return with Day 4 of the Photo Challenge