I am happy for today - 2nd Feb 2014.
As I did what I want myself to do , & that was to run a 5km. Actually, it was on schedule already. I am suppose to run this distance on Friday, but due to lunar new year, with the visiting all around Singapore and relatives coming to my house, I dragged till this morning.
It came in without much notice, I only know I do not want to run in the afternoon, under that scotching hot sun. I wanted to run in the evening, but it was too late, and excuses could came in anytime.
So, I always want to run in the dawn hours, like 4-6am.
& coincidentally, I was awake like 4am this morning, still procrastinating, telling myself that I will run when the skies turn abit brighter.
& I did, but it was around 7+am , But at least I did ran for it.
So, I did it.
& really, once I start running, I told my mind to finish running everything. It did.
Haha, Please do not be surprised with the timing. I walked alot, I think you should add 10-15 mins of walking time in it, I used 40+ mins to finish 5km, which to me , it was a huge improvement from the previous run.
24 mins with walking to finish 3.2km. Compare to today's run, I did so much better.
And I limited myself to stop only 4 times in this 5km long run, and I did it, although the stopping time took quite awhile, but I told myself not to stop unless I reached certain kilometer. And I am trageting myself to convince myself to stop only after 1.5km later. Step by Step, I will win the race.
A disappointment for me to say this, but I cant be joining the 10km , 2XU Compression Run. (Although I am still thinking about it.) , but I am still thinking if I should join the 10km Sundown too. I will have to give myself a target to set on to. So, I am still thinking about it.
I am still going for the 2hours Zumba stuffs, but Zoe they all , have not done the registration yet , and the early bird discount is ending today. I want to say I am disappointed since they gave me so much hope for it, but at the same time, I am telling myself how busy they are, that why they cant sign up for it. It might be excuses, but whatever. Hope that they will go with me in the end, since i have already signed up for it.