RATING ! : 4/5 !
I really think it is worth giving this 4 stars to this movie.
The main two characters of Jack Neo's "I'm not Stupid 1 & 2" are acting inside too. :D Joshua & Shawn .
Many familiar characters inside too, where you will not get to see them in dramas or anything, you will get to see them in youtube, all those common websites we go .
This show is more about family , especially on the mother side.
Is super nice. I did cry , just that I cant get my tears out of it :'( , maybe not on time ? :P
I watched this with Melvin , at first , he wanted to watch this, so we planned to watch this :D
We did, He want to watch Vital _____ the next round.
So yeah , I recommend you to watch this movie .
There are many funny moments inside, Especially, one scene , I was laughing non-stop & crying non-stop. :D
I do not mind buying the DVD though :D
Happy moments and sad moments are all included. :D
After that, see Meow eat curry chicken rice.
Went to fountain and get some study tips from him . :D , I do not want to disappointed anyone especially him.
I'll need to study doubly hard and use the advises wise-ly this time .
Zoey suddenly pointed out to me when she was talking to me yesterday.
"Zoey : Hey, once we asked you about your boyfriend , you seems to be so happy about it.
You are so proud of your boyfriend horr ?
Me : I am , I am proud of my boyfriend. :D"
Ya, I was surprised that people in my class realised it that way . :D
Click for me :D
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Just a random blog post .
Love that day, when Mel & me wanted to watched "We not naughty." but there were not much seats left, the theatre had only the front 2 rows free. :(
And I cant stay out late , and the other timings are late. :( So, we went and bought today's tickets . The time slots that are available are limited, So, I can only choose the middle timing :D , & we bought it , and we ought couple seat . I am glad that we buy the tickets one day earlier because it is empty , practically. I think we are the first few to buy the tickets :D
Before everything, we had a coincidence meeting scheduled with Zen.
He say he will be going off for a course for two weeks, so planned a meeting at AMK HUB , doing the usual , I think , but Carol and Sebas didn't appear in the end. I think the reason might e me appearing there. :(
So, we meet Zen first , to see him smoke 0.0
Mel do not like it at all. I am used to it because last time I keep sniffing smoke because I was quite a bad girl last time. :(
Slowly. we meet Jiaqing , went back at arcade.
After that , I went and have a small snacks , on $6.50 Gogo Franks sausages . Heartpain , should not spend the money.
Then, do not know what is the random reason, Jiaqing feel like eaing Pizzahut so we went ahead , I paid $2.50 for 3/10 of the chickens, It is delicious :D I like :D
Yeah , It is a heavy lunch for the week :D
Will be meeting Mel later for a movie session , with my uniform .
Sign off using Haida's lappy.
Spamming songs all the way :D
Love that day, when Mel & me wanted to watched "We not naughty." but there were not much seats left, the theatre had only the front 2 rows free. :(
And I cant stay out late , and the other timings are late. :( So, we went and bought today's tickets . The time slots that are available are limited, So, I can only choose the middle timing :D , & we bought it , and we ought couple seat . I am glad that we buy the tickets one day earlier because it is empty , practically. I think we are the first few to buy the tickets :D
Before everything, we had a coincidence meeting scheduled with Zen.
He say he will be going off for a course for two weeks, so planned a meeting at AMK HUB , doing the usual , I think , but Carol and Sebas didn't appear in the end. I think the reason might e me appearing there. :(
So, we meet Zen first , to see him smoke 0.0
Mel do not like it at all. I am used to it because last time I keep sniffing smoke because I was quite a bad girl last time. :(
Slowly. we meet Jiaqing , went back at arcade.
After that , I went and have a small snacks , on $6.50 Gogo Franks sausages . Heartpain , should not spend the money.
Then, do not know what is the random reason, Jiaqing feel like eaing Pizzahut so we went ahead , I paid $2.50 for 3/10 of the chickens, It is delicious :D I like :D
Yeah , It is a heavy lunch for the week :D
Will be meeting Mel later for a movie session , with my uniform .
Sign off using Haida's lappy.
Spamming songs all the way :D
Thursday, January 26, 2012
As what the title said , Jailbroken.
I think those iphone users will get to hear this often. And yeah , Finally, I get my phone successfully jailbroke . :P
It is a very bad first time experience, when I was trying out this on my own, I failed very badly, Cydia cannot be open. The end product all those, is that I have to restore everything in order to on my iphone back to normal :( .
Luckily, I got an expert in this. Tan Jun Wen.
Expressing my thanks through blogging, I think so >.<
I was suppose to be with them yesterday, but because of my choir, I was not able to go. :(
But those two cute guys, waited for me , Although I have to go over to Mac .
Junwen jailbreak his phone like nothing like this. Envy ? , Yeah, I am :P
So, ask him to help me to jailbreak my phone and he did. So, both of them came to my house . It was a mess. :D
Second time that Mel came my house, I think :) .
It took quite awhile to finish the whole thing, and I realized that Singtel's internet connection sucks when it is up to all the internet loading stuffs. -.- .
It took Junwen awhile to realised the problem too.
After everything is done, I want to go see my dear stars, so we went to 235 .
Shortly, I sent them to bus stop and there they go . Sad to see them go :( . I hate departing scene >.<
I think those iphone users will get to hear this often. And yeah , Finally, I get my phone successfully jailbroke . :P
It is a very bad first time experience, when I was trying out this on my own, I failed very badly, Cydia cannot be open. The end product all those, is that I have to restore everything in order to on my iphone back to normal :( .
Luckily, I got an expert in this. Tan Jun Wen.
Expressing my thanks through blogging, I think so >.<
I was suppose to be with them yesterday, but because of my choir, I was not able to go. :(
But those two cute guys, waited for me , Although I have to go over to Mac .
Junwen jailbreak his phone like nothing like this. Envy ? , Yeah, I am :P
So, ask him to help me to jailbreak my phone and he did. So, both of them came to my house . It was a mess. :D
Second time that Mel came my house, I think :) .
It took quite awhile to finish the whole thing, and I realized that Singtel's internet connection sucks when it is up to all the internet loading stuffs. -.- .
It took Junwen awhile to realised the problem too.
After everything is done, I want to go see my dear stars, so we went to 235 .
Shortly, I sent them to bus stop and there they go . Sad to see them go :( . I hate departing scene >.<
Major Spamming by Melvin. >.<
Hahaha, the unglam-ness when I was taking this.
But he is the one suggesting this, IS TOTALLY RARE, :P
Yeah. the Pokemon theme I download. I put for awhile only, because Junwen say it eats up battery faster than original 0.0
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Practical !~~ + Recycling CIP
I missed the first crystallisation experiment last week.
So, Yesterday was counted as my first experiment for the year. :P
It was "Titration" . This will be a very short post . Briefly saying about this practical.
We make use of burette and pipette . One acid and one alkaline to have a solution which is the Salt and water. :P , Theory facts at least. >.<
I feel like a Bimbo whenever I am doing this. I did this with MunLing, I feel so selfish , she like never get to try.
But the second test, she gets to try everything >.<
Overall, everything is fun :D , I still love chem alot ! :D
We have did this before. Collecting newspapers from door to door.
I think last year :D
This time , I am group to Andrew & Dominic. 2 NCC Air cadets .
They are cadets but they are two lazy bums that do not want to ask door to door, so I am the one been through he whole of 2 units block, from 11th floor to 2nd :( .
Blk 205 .
Hahah , the process was fast.
In just a hour, the whole class have already settled 2 blocks, and we are settling the packing of the newspaper and different things, Just that we hate.
It is the shit thingy, got shit smell everywhere. Got dog poo at the grass patch.
Ever since , Quanwen step on the poo, everything in our life have to relate to pooo.
Hahah .
But shortly, we passed down all the things, in a straight line, I pass you, you pass on to the last and to the lorry. :P
In the end, went to Mel's house . Luckily, I have changed my clothes before going to his house.
Played with Bryan then went to Mac-cafe to drink my last day $3's chocolate Mashmallow drink. IT IS NICE !!
So, Yesterday was counted as my first experiment for the year. :P
It was "Titration" . This will be a very short post . Briefly saying about this practical.
We make use of burette and pipette . One acid and one alkaline to have a solution which is the Salt and water. :P , Theory facts at least. >.<
I feel like a Bimbo whenever I am doing this. I did this with MunLing, I feel so selfish , she like never get to try.
But the second test, she gets to try everything >.<
Overall, everything is fun :D , I still love chem alot ! :D
The Long Burette . |
I keep setting this up for minutes, >.< . I dont know what am I doing at that time.
I wasted quite amount of Acid too.
Pipette |
Mine & Jerry's .
Before :
This is after I put Phenolphthalein in acid. It changed colour .
So, it changed to pink instantly . It is acidic. >.<
Nice right, the pink.
I feel like I am wasting it, I put a few drops, and it get pinker. >.<
Yeah, Neutral will be colourless. >.<
The process of making it to be colourless is damn bimbo-tic. >.<
But It really looked like plan water.
Phenolphthalein |
I feel like a massive stalker when I am beside those 2.
Their actions make me want to take photos of them >.<
The epic conversation between them is behind, made up by me. >.<
Sherrie : Yes Yes, I know I know.
Jerry: No No ! , you dont know , you dont know ! *shaking head*
We have did this before. Collecting newspapers from door to door.
I think last year :D
This time , I am group to Andrew & Dominic. 2 NCC Air cadets .
They are cadets but they are two lazy bums that do not want to ask door to door, so I am the one been through he whole of 2 units block, from 11th floor to 2nd :( .
Blk 205 .
Hahah , the process was fast.
In just a hour, the whole class have already settled 2 blocks, and we are settling the packing of the newspaper and different things, Just that we hate.
It is the shit thingy, got shit smell everywhere. Got dog poo at the grass patch.
Ever since , Quanwen step on the poo, everything in our life have to relate to pooo.
Hahah .
But shortly, we passed down all the things, in a straight line, I pass you, you pass on to the last and to the lorry. :P
In the end, went to Mel's house . Luckily, I have changed my clothes before going to his house.
Played with Bryan then went to Mac-cafe to drink my last day $3's chocolate Mashmallow drink. IT IS NICE !!
Boys standing at straight line to the other class >.< |
Passing down the stuffs , all kind of stuffs .
Monday, January 16, 2012
Hahaha , GREAT DAY
Yeah . As what my post's title said, GREAT DAY .
Indeed , I have a very good day . Monday blues as per normal , I went to school and sit there with my eyes open but I am sleeping. Sleeping with my eyes open, yupps .
School starts at 7+am, when others is 8+am. I'm nearly late :(
Maurice called and woke me up . I was surprised . It was 6am sharp. He called to tell me where he put the charger. In Mel's house. *touched*
School is good.
But I am sleepy for the first few periods. I was still disappointed with my chinese test results. Is my composition, although this is my first Chinese Test , but I only get 24/40 . I should not get this :(
If I work harder, I need to do something about it.
Geography lesson, I am self study as per normal. Mrs Ismal's lesson , I really like wasting time there, so I self-studied Coast. It turns out quite well , and it motivated me to do notes for other chapters too. After school.
Melvin has his first lesson at Deyi today.
Formal attire again :) , He is teaching Sec 5 .
I did not disturb him until he called me.
I went to the library straight after school , I want to write notes . I only started and end with one chapter with one subject. It ended quite well. When Mel test me, I am able to get most correct :D
Went his house because he is lazy and tired to come out.
When I went to his house, he was sleeping/lying on his bed.
Once he saw me came in, he say he want to have an afternoon nap. I let him be, and I do my chapter 3 :D
He slept for hours, I was damn lazy to do chapter 4 .
After he wake up, he called my name. He say he want to get his energy back , I was like. You have already sleep for so long :x . That pig .
Not long later, Mel's mum came . I was surprised , because I am quite scared of her . I did not give her a very good first impression at first . But today , it goes well. I am not that scared of her.
She is kind as always :) .
She brought "The Ten Brothers" DVD for his third mum and Bryan to watch.
It was one of my favourite show. Is damn nice, I watched it for many times. Then, she brought bread and chilli paste for Mel. As per normal, she saw me.
She was very kind and friendly today . She say she will cook for me and Mel noodles , when she came back at night. And she did . I like her noodles more than Mel's . :D
But of coz, the noodles are so hooooooottt . :P But it is nice :D
Then, keep watching the ten brothers until I forget about the time, went down with Mel and his mum :D
Great day indeed.
Idiot phone giving me problem le :( , I want to go search for my guarteeea card . I want to go change a new iphone , if there is music problem, I can't play music ! :(
Indeed , I have a very good day . Monday blues as per normal , I went to school and sit there with my eyes open but I am sleeping. Sleeping with my eyes open, yupps .
School starts at 7+am, when others is 8+am. I'm nearly late :(
Maurice called and woke me up . I was surprised . It was 6am sharp. He called to tell me where he put the charger. In Mel's house. *touched*
School is good.
But I am sleepy for the first few periods. I was still disappointed with my chinese test results. Is my composition, although this is my first Chinese Test , but I only get 24/40 . I should not get this :(
If I work harder, I need to do something about it.
Geography lesson, I am self study as per normal. Mrs Ismal's lesson , I really like wasting time there, so I self-studied Coast. It turns out quite well , and it motivated me to do notes for other chapters too. After school.
Melvin has his first lesson at Deyi today.
Formal attire again :) , He is teaching Sec 5 .
I did not disturb him until he called me.
I went to the library straight after school , I want to write notes . I only started and end with one chapter with one subject. It ended quite well. When Mel test me, I am able to get most correct :D
Went his house because he is lazy and tired to come out.
When I went to his house, he was sleeping/lying on his bed.
Once he saw me came in, he say he want to have an afternoon nap. I let him be, and I do my chapter 3 :D
He slept for hours, I was damn lazy to do chapter 4 .
After he wake up, he called my name. He say he want to get his energy back , I was like. You have already sleep for so long :x . That pig .
Not long later, Mel's mum came . I was surprised , because I am quite scared of her . I did not give her a very good first impression at first . But today , it goes well. I am not that scared of her.
She is kind as always :) .
She brought "The Ten Brothers" DVD for his third mum and Bryan to watch.
It was one of my favourite show. Is damn nice, I watched it for many times. Then, she brought bread and chilli paste for Mel. As per normal, she saw me.
She was very kind and friendly today . She say she will cook for me and Mel noodles , when she came back at night. And she did . I like her noodles more than Mel's . :D
But of coz, the noodles are so hooooooottt . :P But it is nice :D
Then, keep watching the ten brothers until I forget about the time, went down with Mel and his mum :D
Great day indeed.
Idiot phone giving me problem le :( , I want to go search for my guarteeea card . I want to go change a new iphone , if there is music problem, I can't play music ! :(
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Sign of new year is coming
Haha, A simple Sunday.
Today, I promised Mel Dearie to go shop for new shorts for him :) as new year clothes.
Is a new year , I also want to go shop for things on my new year list :D .
Shoes, Dress, Belts, Makeup stuffs. I WANT TO HAVE IT :D
Yupp, went shopping with him .
We went to the cheap cheap store , ( I STILL FIND BOYS' STUFFS DAMN EX ._. !)
Then, we go see the shorts, at the mean time, they do sell formal attire like polo shirt and collar shirts.
In the end, we bought 2 shorts, after many tries on shorts.
So, in the end, 2 shorts & one shirt.
After shopping, went eating.
Me ate Hokkien Mee , AGAIN. Yupp :D
He will be going to school this coming Monday morning to get so,e good news. :D
So. therefore. he need to have his hair cut , he don't like his hair too. So, he cut his hair. :D
I do not like the people there. :(
They chased me out, but that is understandable. But the customers there, -'-
I am helping her to hold the door , did not have the idea to go in also. Then. she scold me to use another door, -.- .
Finally, I get to know what does 好心没好报 means.Sickening.
Coincidently , we saw JQ and Acey .
Neeed to bring Mel home to wash his hair first.
Thought that I will be meeting Maurice just now, but in the end. He did not make it. So, we went to arcade to play for awhile.
I am so tired. :(
JQ and Mel sent me to the bus stop. Sweet uhh , I know :D
Today, I promised Mel Dearie to go shop for new shorts for him :) as new year clothes.
Is a new year , I also want to go shop for things on my new year list :D .
Shoes, Dress, Belts, Makeup stuffs. I WANT TO HAVE IT :D
Yupp, went shopping with him .
We went to the cheap cheap store , ( I STILL FIND BOYS' STUFFS DAMN EX ._. !)
Then, we go see the shorts, at the mean time, they do sell formal attire like polo shirt and collar shirts.
In the end, we bought 2 shorts, after many tries on shorts.
So, in the end, 2 shorts & one shirt.
After shopping, went eating.
Me ate Hokkien Mee , AGAIN. Yupp :D
He will be going to school this coming Monday morning to get so,e good news. :D
So. therefore. he need to have his hair cut , he don't like his hair too. So, he cut his hair. :D
I do not like the people there. :(
They chased me out, but that is understandable. But the customers there, -'-
I am helping her to hold the door , did not have the idea to go in also. Then. she scold me to use another door, -.- .
Finally, I get to know what does 好心没好报 means.Sickening.
Coincidently , we saw JQ and Acey .
Neeed to bring Mel home to wash his hair first.
Thought that I will be meeting Maurice just now, but in the end. He did not make it. So, we went to arcade to play for awhile.
I am so tired. :(
JQ and Mel sent me to the bus stop. Sweet uhh , I know :D
WA, I feel so de-motivated to even beat his record at temple run :( , he is a pro in everything.
Idiot him,
His new hairstyle photos :D ,
Yeah, currently I am at Melvin's house.
Using his com to update :) , he is going to bath right now . Haha
What happened today ?
Today is the Grand opening of Timezone Active at 112 Katong. Me and Mel went there a day before that.
I get to know this when Jiaqing told me . So, he invited me over .
So, we planned to meet at 9.45am. (In the end, we did not managed to meet at this time.)
Jiaqing woke up at 9.45am. Hahah, after a few spam calls by me. :P
So, we meet later, which is around 10+am, Mel and Kor reached earlier than me , as per usual :P
I was late because the bus ignored me once again and therefore I need to wait for another bus. Idiot .
Hahaha, need to go to Bishan to take circle/yellow line to Paya Lebar again .
During the ride, Kor keep talking about a video and he shared with Melvin :D
Okay, I watched the video later. He is from NAFA (Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts) . Creative siia !
My father thought I watching a video that reeally teaching me how to be one ah lian and scolded me for this.
And ya, the whole circle trip . I like one bimbo like that .
Because I am having a good hair day , due to the conditioner I used and the scent is strong. Love it :D
My hair loook damn silky .:D
When we reached , same things applies.
Taking the shuttle bus there , just that we do not need to wait.
Grand opening starts half an hour ago, just that there is no lion dance.
Went to the pump area, and I saw Steven, Kenneth, Ethel and Weili , hahaha , all the expected pros.
I kept going to the toilet. >.< , I do not know what had happened to my dear bladder. Meow
So I get to saw how Weili played his game.
In just one credit, all his percentage are 90+% . Hahah , His spamming is so stabilised. I saw many supers . That is incredible. >.<
I hope one day , I can be one of the girl that do that :P
Yupp, before it ends, Mel is hungry , so we went to the food junction , one level up.
He likes the food there, just that it is too expensive, therefore lastly . he chose to have a bite on "Yong Tau Fu" . It cost his $6 overall . But he gave me the sharkfins soup which firstly I thought it is a gravy for the food in the soup . Joke of the day. :D
But that is sweet of him but at the same time, he dont really eat this kind of stuffs >.<
So, we chat through the whole lunch period, talking about fair-ness of pump , how the past competitions went etc etc. Accuracy pro is a advantage in pro2 , fiesta cames with skills.
So, after that , we went down to see what is happening, and we heard Weili's name being called.
& he was called to have a slow motion of a superman flying and fighting through the crowd, it was funny at first, but I dont believe his luck is so good. Kenneth and Ethel too. Is it because they invest a large amount of money in tz ? :P
Yupp, and for your information , Weili won a iphone 4S. Incredible indeed. With his luck. :)
We wanted to know where is JQ , and we heard that he is gone with Acey , back to AMK .
So, we head back too.
We took the wrong shuttle bus, we alighted at a bus stop , we take bus 14 to somerset.
Take the train from there and back to AMK.
In Amk, I want to eat Hokkien Noodles, so we went and eat it.
Then, back to AMK HUB, I saw M&M walking. All the colours, I want to take photo with them, but they seems to be in a rush, then the blue one, is the one that caught my attention, on how he walked and communicate with people around him. Then the most cutest thing is that they walked in a one straight line. THAT IS SO UTTERLY CUTE ! OMG.
We walk walk and for no reason he starting his unglam photos capturing. :( , All is me Wa !
So, in the end, he make use of the unglam photos of it and make it to wallpaper all those . Wa, there is one that he crop and be my wallpaper, is the one that is utterly unglam , OHMYGOD.
So, in the end, I am going to show you all those proper shots .
And went Mel's house.
I love that cute bryan. He make my day ! :D
Summarised , summarised .
We are playing on Mel's bed. We = Bryan, Me & Melvin.
Bryan played a game call jumping on Mel.
And I told him to move around , tickle him , but I do not know that he even apply the sound that I make.
Which is the "Ah" sound.
Then, when he is doing it, Melvin was like, what are you teaching him with the sound . >.< I was laughing non-stop . Then , I want to make him stop making it, I said change the vowel to a letter "O" , that is even worst , he make me cry :D . But it is fun . Then, try to make Mel laugh. :D
In the end, I hurt my head. It causes me dizziness . >.<
I hit my head real hard when I was planning to get up from the bed. "BONG" MUSHROOM .
Like this.,
& Yupps, I end my post here. :)
Using his com to update :) , he is going to bath right now . Haha
What happened today ?
Today is the Grand opening of Timezone Active at 112 Katong. Me and Mel went there a day before that.
I get to know this when Jiaqing told me . So, he invited me over .
So, we planned to meet at 9.45am. (In the end, we did not managed to meet at this time.)
Jiaqing woke up at 9.45am. Hahah, after a few spam calls by me. :P
So, we meet later, which is around 10+am, Mel and Kor reached earlier than me , as per usual :P
I was late because the bus ignored me once again and therefore I need to wait for another bus. Idiot .
Hahaha, need to go to Bishan to take circle/yellow line to Paya Lebar again .
During the ride, Kor keep talking about a video and he shared with Melvin :D
Okay, I watched the video later. He is from NAFA (Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts) . Creative siia !
My father thought I watching a video that reeally teaching me how to be one ah lian and scolded me for this.
And ya, the whole circle trip . I like one bimbo like that .
Because I am having a good hair day , due to the conditioner I used and the scent is strong. Love it :D
My hair loook damn silky .:D
When we reached , same things applies.
Taking the shuttle bus there , just that we do not need to wait.
Grand opening starts half an hour ago, just that there is no lion dance.
Went to the pump area, and I saw Steven, Kenneth, Ethel and Weili , hahaha , all the expected pros.
I kept going to the toilet. >.< , I do not know what had happened to my dear bladder. Meow
So I get to saw how Weili played his game.
In just one credit, all his percentage are 90+% . Hahah , His spamming is so stabilised. I saw many supers . That is incredible. >.<
I hope one day , I can be one of the girl that do that :P
Yupp, before it ends, Mel is hungry , so we went to the food junction , one level up.
He likes the food there, just that it is too expensive, therefore lastly . he chose to have a bite on "Yong Tau Fu" . It cost his $6 overall . But he gave me the sharkfins soup which firstly I thought it is a gravy for the food in the soup . Joke of the day. :D
But that is sweet of him but at the same time, he dont really eat this kind of stuffs >.<
So, we chat through the whole lunch period, talking about fair-ness of pump , how the past competitions went etc etc. Accuracy pro is a advantage in pro2 , fiesta cames with skills.
So, after that , we went down to see what is happening, and we heard Weili's name being called.
& he was called to have a slow motion of a superman flying and fighting through the crowd, it was funny at first, but I dont believe his luck is so good. Kenneth and Ethel too. Is it because they invest a large amount of money in tz ? :P
Yupp, and for your information , Weili won a iphone 4S. Incredible indeed. With his luck. :)
We wanted to know where is JQ , and we heard that he is gone with Acey , back to AMK .
So, we head back too.
We took the wrong shuttle bus, we alighted at a bus stop , we take bus 14 to somerset.
Take the train from there and back to AMK.
In Amk, I want to eat Hokkien Noodles, so we went and eat it.
Then, back to AMK HUB, I saw M&M walking. All the colours, I want to take photo with them, but they seems to be in a rush, then the blue one, is the one that caught my attention, on how he walked and communicate with people around him. Then the most cutest thing is that they walked in a one straight line. THAT IS SO UTTERLY CUTE ! OMG.
We walk walk and for no reason he starting his unglam photos capturing. :( , All is me Wa !
So, in the end, he make use of the unglam photos of it and make it to wallpaper all those . Wa, there is one that he crop and be my wallpaper, is the one that is utterly unglam , OHMYGOD.
So, in the end, I am going to show you all those proper shots .
A dress I picked on |
His Unglam-ness when he is making a formal call :D
![]() |
A mini big eyes contest |
I love that cute bryan. He make my day ! :D
Summarised , summarised .
We are playing on Mel's bed. We = Bryan, Me & Melvin.
Bryan played a game call jumping on Mel.
And I told him to move around , tickle him , but I do not know that he even apply the sound that I make.
Which is the "Ah" sound.
Then, when he is doing it, Melvin was like, what are you teaching him with the sound . >.< I was laughing non-stop . Then , I want to make him stop making it, I said change the vowel to a letter "O" , that is even worst , he make me cry :D . But it is fun . Then, try to make Mel laugh. :D
In the end, I hurt my head. It causes me dizziness . >.<
I hit my head real hard when I was planning to get up from the bed. "BONG" MUSHROOM .
Like this.,
& Yupps, I end my post here. :)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Song of the Day
I have a new label, which it is "Songoftheday" .
It is just introducing my song of the day, That particular song that make my day happy and sad :) .
Yeah. So, let me start it properly. This song is :
Is a damn sad song . If you are watching the music video .
The audio on its own, the song is kinda 'club/pop/r&b' that kind. But the lyrics are meaningful :)
And overall, the whole music video is sad.
Lesson learn from this video, "Treasure them before it is too late." . (This is my lessons.)
There are still many more lessons behind it :D ,
Yupp, it is worth that few mins :D
A trip down to his childhood place
Hahaha , as what the titles had said.
We went for a tip down to Melvin's childhood place , which is at 112 Katong, Last time is Katong Mall. :D
He say it had changed alot. Many times more. :D
He say this is the place where he came with his father. He can slack , sleep here if he is tired. After midnight, Melvin's father will bring him to the nearby 肉骨茶。
Then now, it changed to 112 Katong
Before we go to the mall, I have assembly going on.
The assembly is boring, it was about what will be going during learning festival for each level.
Mdm Tong nagg-ed at the same system .
After school, went Burger King with Meryl . Since she want to go there at the first place. :D
Hahah , I love how much we understand each other in this moment.
When he want to order the set from BK . He need to choose his favour of drink.
Hahah, when the cashier list it out, once she say Ice Milo, me and him immediately say Ice Milo >.<
Hahaha , That was a very sweet one :D
We went up and walk around the mall, I want to see the shops, because it looked so grand.
When we went in, we heard a very familiar music, and it appeared to be one of Melvin's dance performance music. That why it is so familiar. :P
Then, we deliberately walked around that area to listen to that song :P
Slowly, we went up to the second level, from afar, we know that there are a timezone there :D
In it, Mel like it because his 3 favourites machines are all put together. (You can see it when you come in). :D
Then, went to play pump, he is surprised because the price is so cheap & it is a new pro2 machine .
He played VVV, Dream to Nightmare, all those so hard songs.
Pro lo , see him play :P .
Try to play & realised that I have already derogate to the level that I only can play level 10 that kind :( .
My skills of able to turn my body all those. Everything is lost :( .
My accuracy too .
But I like the pump machine there is because I can step triples easily. Got one song, I was shocked that I get the triples holding bars, then when I realised that I step wrongly. I missed. :( .
Hahahah , in the end, MELVIN FINALLY PASS CHIMERA. :P .
After everything, went to the toilet. :X
Then, he say he want to go haunting for his childhood 肉骨茶。, depend on his pictorial memory .
But that was 10 years ago, plus, he was in the car all along, so he do not know what is the details .
So, we went down and go searching for it :D
Down the road, the place remind me of my dad's working area :X , because it have the same structure.
Then, we look around. & he shared about what happened around here. He told me that there are 苦,甜,of 肉骨茶. I was surprised on the bitter. :P . Never heard before. Still have Claypot . :D
Further down, we saw awfully chocolate, those food shops :P
One coffee shop that caught my attention was "MELLVIN COFFEE SHOP."
Hahahah , Is supposed to be spelt as MELVIN , I wonder why there is another "L" there. :P
Melvin owns a coffee shop here, I did not know :X
We did not managed to find his favourite. So, we walked back to the grand toastbox at 112 Katong to eat Curry Chicken Rice.
The Curry is damn spicy :( . I was crying laa :(
Melvin seems to be so so thirsty. He drink alot and very fast . :P
Hahaha , when we leave the place, Melvin's nice estimation on what time the shuttle bus come.
& he say is already 6.30pm , told me to rush there, & the bus reached there when he said rush.
Is he lucky or what ? ._.
So, we took it back to Paya Lebar MRT :D
We took the circle line to Bishan.
But I dont feel like going home so early , so we decided to slack around Bishan for awhile while there are buses that go to my school & to his house. :P .
While slacking, we are listening to songs.
To his latest playlist, he update his songs, I do not have the to do so. :( . so my playlist remains that kind. No nice or latest songs in it YET. :D
Hahaha , I am a cam-whore person, But he rejected me alright :( , He took only 2 photos with me. But both are nice. I am a sneaky person, hahaha. Caught him in camera without him watching >.<
Others than all these.
Photos shots of me. :P
Overall, 112 Katong is fun :D
That is because you are around with me :)
We went for a tip down to Melvin's childhood place , which is at 112 Katong, Last time is Katong Mall. :D
He say it had changed alot. Many times more. :D
He say this is the place where he came with his father. He can slack , sleep here if he is tired. After midnight, Melvin's father will bring him to the nearby 肉骨茶。
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Before we go to the mall, I have assembly going on.
The assembly is boring, it was about what will be going during learning festival for each level.
Mdm Tong nagg-ed at the same system .
After school, went Burger King with Meryl . Since she want to go there at the first place. :D
Hahah , I love how much we understand each other in this moment.
When he want to order the set from BK . He need to choose his favour of drink.
Hahah, when the cashier list it out, once she say Ice Milo, me and him immediately say Ice Milo >.<
Hahaha , That was a very sweet one :D
We went up and walk around the mall, I want to see the shops, because it looked so grand.
When we went in, we heard a very familiar music, and it appeared to be one of Melvin's dance performance music. That why it is so familiar. :P
Then, we deliberately walked around that area to listen to that song :P
Slowly, we went up to the second level, from afar, we know that there are a timezone there :D
In it, Mel like it because his 3 favourites machines are all put together. (You can see it when you come in). :D
Then, went to play pump, he is surprised because the price is so cheap & it is a new pro2 machine .
He played VVV, Dream to Nightmare, all those so hard songs.
Pro lo , see him play :P .
Try to play & realised that I have already derogate to the level that I only can play level 10 that kind :( .
My skills of able to turn my body all those. Everything is lost :( .
My accuracy too .
But I like the pump machine there is because I can step triples easily. Got one song, I was shocked that I get the triples holding bars, then when I realised that I step wrongly. I missed. :( .
Hahahah , in the end, MELVIN FINALLY PASS CHIMERA. :P .
After everything, went to the toilet. :X
Then, he say he want to go haunting for his childhood 肉骨茶。, depend on his pictorial memory .
But that was 10 years ago, plus, he was in the car all along, so he do not know what is the details .
So, we went down and go searching for it :D
Down the road, the place remind me of my dad's working area :X , because it have the same structure.
Then, we look around. & he shared about what happened around here. He told me that there are 苦,甜,of 肉骨茶. I was surprised on the bitter. :P . Never heard before. Still have Claypot . :D
Further down, we saw awfully chocolate, those food shops :P
One coffee shop that caught my attention was "MELLVIN COFFEE SHOP."
Hahahah , Is supposed to be spelt as MELVIN , I wonder why there is another "L" there. :P
Melvin owns a coffee shop here, I did not know :X
We did not managed to find his favourite. So, we walked back to the grand toastbox at 112 Katong to eat Curry Chicken Rice.
The Curry is damn spicy :( . I was crying laa :(
Melvin seems to be so so thirsty. He drink alot and very fast . :P
Hahaha , when we leave the place, Melvin's nice estimation on what time the shuttle bus come.
& he say is already 6.30pm , told me to rush there, & the bus reached there when he said rush.
Is he lucky or what ? ._.
So, we took it back to Paya Lebar MRT :D
We took the circle line to Bishan.
But I dont feel like going home so early , so we decided to slack around Bishan for awhile while there are buses that go to my school & to his house. :P .
While slacking, we are listening to songs.
To his latest playlist, he update his songs, I do not have the to do so. :( . so my playlist remains that kind. No nice or latest songs in it YET. :D
Hahaha , I am a cam-whore person, But he rejected me alright :( , He took only 2 photos with me. But both are nice. I am a sneaky person, hahaha. Caught him in camera without him watching >.<
Others than all these.
Photos shots of me. :P
This is unglam. I was wearing a school shoes. :D , Out of no choice. :P
It does not match at all !!
Today's practical . Nasi briyani
Miss Goh is so bias towards the talented smart guy, Jian Hui :)
Overall, 112 Katong is fun :D
That is because you are around with me :)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
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Weiqi & Xueqi |
So, they are counted my seniors although I only add them in facebook and follow them in twitter, I do not know them in real life :X .
(The photo is copyrighted.)
But these 2 seniors, Xueqi & Weiqi ,
They are like so sisters, I hope to have this kind of friends in my class :D .
Plus, they are together everytime , they have the same cca, Band. :D
& they super slim can . :( .
YOU SEE THE TUMMYYY. :( , they have none man :(
hahahah , I just hope to have a friendship like theirs :D
But, I have a friend that is almost the same as theirs , except that , we are close , but not so many things to do . I need to have more things to do , with Meryl :D I believe it can :D
Random fact 2 .
This person, before O level results , morning. (No, middle of the night) , he want to facetime me. :D LOL
So, this is the results.
Random fact 2 .
This person, before O level results , morning. (No, middle of the night) , he want to facetime me. :D LOL
So, this is the results.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Purely Today
Woke up this early to update my blog. >.<
I do not need to go to school early today .But I want to attend the practical , then go home >.<
The main thing about today's class is the chemistry practical :D .
Today afternooon , Melvin will be going for his first driving lesson . :P
Is his first time, he will be alright, :D
Yeah . After writing this , I went off to wait for my bus , I thought that I am late because the bus came at 20-30 minutes later, Worst scenario is that my phone's 3G suddenly not working :( . Then , everything in my phone suddenly slow down. Especially my internet.
So , I was panicking literally. Cursing the bus/bus-driver.
So, in the end it came at 8.27am , going to 8.30am .
That time, I thought I am really late because I thought my appointment time at 9am. (It is a hour trip) .
When I reached there, it is 9.36am , then I was cursing still . Twitting all the way up .
Self-register on my own at the machine and realised that my appointment time at 10am . I was like. O.O
I am not half an hour late , I am early by half an hour. I was surprised.
So, my number blinked like immediately , I went in , th dentist was like so happy, she still praise me for early. It is a coincidence , COMPLETELY :P
So , this time came back for tightening , also to change new bracket colours ! :D .
I thought it is just tightening , so I did not plan on any colours >.<
The whole process is long again , but exclude the waiting time, the duration is fine.
I changed it from Pink & Yellow (Just top , pink , below yellow) to Bright Red & Pink (alternate) . New Year colour worhh :D
Yeah , Melvin say the colour combination is not that bad ! :D . YAY !
Yeah , in the end . I went out and wait for bus to go back .
It seems that bus that go back to AMK , is so much faster than the bus that is on the way to NDC.
But did not make it to meet Melvin before he go for his first driving lesson . Meet him after that .
Went and eat together.
I feel so hipppppo , really :( .
Went to Market to eat together, then after that we went back home. I go to Melvin's house.
I miss Bryan ! , that why .
I am more scared when Melvin's biological mum is around >.<
SO, we play with Bryan .
This time, Melvin damn lazy can . I need to used my last few energy bars left to get him out of the bed and to go down to buy his bread while I go back home .
It crossed my curfew time :( , but is alright .
So, before going home, we are playing hide and seek.
Snakes & Ladders , I have never win once from those 2 Tan Brothers at all :( . How pathetic is this man ~~~
Hide and seek , Melvin MUST act that he do not know where is Bryan is .
But, everything going well except the part of him , laughing from where he hide damn loudly.
Then . he will just automatic-ly come out , then is not fun . >.< ,
Then, when it is time for Bryan to find Melvin , Melvin have more self-control laa , So, he hide in the toilet, Bryan dont dare to go in , for 5 minutes .
I have already told him. Melvin is inside, he is scared of the toilet , I think. He dont dare to go in alone.
Then , I brought him there , and Melvin come out suddenly to scare him. It worked . LOL .
Bryan want to cry like that :) . Then . he restrict the toilet area.
For me and Melvin's part , when he need to search for us.
I am always the one that he took a longer time to find :P
(BRYAN CRY WHEN MELVIN HIT HIM.) , One unpleasant thing happened, Bryan accidentally stepped on Melvin's skin . Melvin shout in pain , then he go hit Bryan . Out of sudden-ness , human reaction.
Then , at the same time, I don't know who to comfort first .
But the tickling process is enjoyable for him today :D
"RAPE" him completely ! :D
I do not need to go to school early today .
Is his first time, he will be alright, :D
Yeah . After writing this , I went off to wait for my bus , I thought that I am late because the bus came at 20-30 minutes later, Worst scenario is that my phone's 3G suddenly not working :( . Then , everything in my phone suddenly slow down. Especially my internet.
So , I was panicking literally. Cursing the bus/bus-driver.
So, in the end it came at 8.27am , going to 8.30am .
That time, I thought I am really late because I thought my appointment time at 9am. (It is a hour trip) .
When I reached there, it is 9.36am , then I was cursing still . Twitting all the way up .
Self-register on my own at the machine and realised that my appointment time at 10am . I was like. O.O
I am not half an hour late , I am early by half an hour. I was surprised.
So, my number blinked like immediately , I went in , th dentist was like so happy, she still praise me for early. It is a coincidence , COMPLETELY :P
So , this time came back for tightening , also to change new bracket colours ! :D .
I thought it is just tightening , so I did not plan on any colours >.<
The whole process is long again , but exclude the waiting time, the duration is fine.
I changed it from Pink & Yellow (Just top , pink , below yellow) to Bright Red & Pink (alternate) . New Year colour worhh :D
Last time |
NOW :D |
Yeah , in the end . I went out and wait for bus to go back .
It seems that bus that go back to AMK , is so much faster than the bus that is on the way to NDC.
But did not make it to meet Melvin before he go for his first driving lesson . Meet him after that .
Went and eat together.
I feel so hipppppo , really :( .
Went to Market to eat together, then after that we went back home. I go to Melvin's house.
I miss Bryan ! , that why .
I am more scared when Melvin's biological mum is around >.<
SO, we play with Bryan .
This time, Melvin damn lazy can . I need to used my last few energy bars left to get him out of the bed and to go down to buy his bread while I go back home .
It crossed my curfew time :( , but is alright .
So, before going home, we are playing hide and seek.
Snakes & Ladders , I have never win once from those 2 Tan Brothers at all :( . How pathetic is this man ~~~
Hide and seek , Melvin MUST act that he do not know where is Bryan is .
But, everything going well except the part of him , laughing from where he hide damn loudly.
Then . he will just automatic-ly come out , then is not fun . >.< ,
Then, when it is time for Bryan to find Melvin , Melvin have more self-control laa , So, he hide in the toilet, Bryan dont dare to go in , for 5 minutes .
I have already told him. Melvin is inside, he is scared of the toilet , I think. He dont dare to go in alone.
Then , I brought him there , and Melvin come out suddenly to scare him. It worked . LOL .
Bryan want to cry like that :) . Then . he restrict the toilet area.
For me and Melvin's part , when he need to search for us.
I am always the one that he took a longer time to find :P
(BRYAN CRY WHEN MELVIN HIT HIM.) , One unpleasant thing happened, Bryan accidentally stepped on Melvin's skin . Melvin shout in pain , then he go hit Bryan . Out of sudden-ness , human reaction.
Then , at the same time, I don't know who to comfort first .
But the tickling process is enjoyable for him today :D
"RAPE" him completely ! :D
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